Tuesday, January 29, 2008

updates-moving right along

I've been slowly trying to keep doing things on my list.

In progress:

11. work backstage on at least 2 plays (0/2) Tonight was my first night working backstage for a production. I am stage/floor manager for my school (AASU) production of New Voices. It's basically a short show with student compositions of monologues and short skits about some serious life issues and some fun trivial everyday things.

16. read 101 books (2/101) [list books somewhere]I'm re reading book 5 in The Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer. That will be book 3 after the two Golden Compass books I read.
19. Listen to a whole audio book I've been trying to listen to Fellowship of the Ring at night but I keep falling asleep. :P
22. Send 50 people cards/postcards (12/50) I've been using http://www.sendsomething.net/ and http://www.postcardx.net/ and my 2 penpals. I'm always open to new pen pals as well if that is on someone elses list.

65. continue participating in the Girl ScoutsThis Friday I went back home to help out with my service unit's Princess/pampering themed sleepoever. It was a bunch of fun and the girls loved the dress I wore. (It was one of my mom's old bridesmaids gowns.)

Recently Completed:
81. buy a real corset (1-10-08 on http://www.ebay.com/ )It got here today and it seems to fit pretty good. I'm really happy with it. I bought it on eBay for only $25.


31. go to at least 3 yoga/fitness classes (0/3)I had to change this to yoga or fitness because this semester I had a 6:30pm class that was moved up to 4:30 and yoga is only offered at 4. Hopefully next semester I will be able to check a class out.I seem to be moving right along-slowly yet surely. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's 1001 days and there is no rush to do everything at once.

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