Friday, January 11, 2008

in progress report

16. read 101 books (2/101)
1) The Golden Compass by Philip Pulliman
2) The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman

Just finished The Subtle Knife today, but I have't got the last book of the series so I have to wait and start on a different book even though the cliffhanger ending is killing me!

22. Send 50 people cards/postcards (4/50)
Sent letters to some people whose addresses I had saved on Microsoft Word the day I came bacck to college and my internet was down. and today I sent a reply to my Harry Potter pen pal.

23. Send 15 more postcards on (2/15)
Sent a postcard to a girl in Finland and another to a girl in Germany.

50. make an inspiration book for when I am feeling down. Fill it with pictures I love, uplifting quotes, emails, my art, ect.

I haven't actually started putting it together but I've been saving my favorite quotes and emails I come across and planning how I want to organize it.

68. sort through laptop and clean out bookmarked websites
Started yesterday, but this will be an ongoing process because I will come across a website and save it to look at the next day, but then forget it until 3 monthes later.

81. buy a real corset
Just bought a (hopefully) good one from someone in Hong Kong. It's an steal overbust that's black and has lace on the edges. When it gets here I will cross it off my list!

So I'm doing pretty good it seems. I wish everyone else out there luck with thier lists! Hugs!

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