Tuesday, January 29, 2008

updates-moving right along

I've been slowly trying to keep doing things on my list.

In progress:

11. work backstage on at least 2 plays (0/2) Tonight was my first night working backstage for a production. I am stage/floor manager for my school (AASU) production of New Voices. It's basically a short show with student compositions of monologues and short skits about some serious life issues and some fun trivial everyday things.

16. read 101 books (2/101) [list books somewhere]I'm re reading book 5 in The Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer. That will be book 3 after the two Golden Compass books I read.
19. Listen to a whole audio book I've been trying to listen to Fellowship of the Ring at night but I keep falling asleep. :P
22. Send 50 people cards/postcards (12/50) I've been using http://www.sendsomething.net/ and http://www.postcardx.net/ and my 2 penpals. I'm always open to new pen pals as well if that is on someone elses list.

65. continue participating in the Girl ScoutsThis Friday I went back home to help out with my service unit's Princess/pampering themed sleepoever. It was a bunch of fun and the girls loved the dress I wore. (It was one of my mom's old bridesmaids gowns.)

Recently Completed:
81. buy a real corset (1-10-08 on http://www.ebay.com/ )It got here today and it seems to fit pretty good. I'm really happy with it. I bought it on eBay for only $25.


31. go to at least 3 yoga/fitness classes (0/3)I had to change this to yoga or fitness because this semester I had a 6:30pm class that was moved up to 4:30 and yoga is only offered at 4. Hopefully next semester I will be able to check a class out.I seem to be moving right along-slowly yet surely. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's 1001 days and there is no rush to do everything at once.

Friday, January 11, 2008

in progress report

16. read 101 books (2/101)
1) The Golden Compass by Philip Pulliman
2) The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman

Just finished The Subtle Knife today, but I have't got the last book of the series so I have to wait and start on a different book even though the cliffhanger ending is killing me!

22. Send 50 people cards/postcards (4/50)
Sent letters to some people whose addresses I had saved on Microsoft Word the day I came bacck to college and my internet was down. and today I sent a reply to my Harry Potter pen pal.

23. Send 15 more postcards on www.postcrossing.com (2/15)
Sent a postcard to a girl in Finland and another to a girl in Germany.

50. make an inspiration book for when I am feeling down. Fill it with pictures I love, uplifting quotes, emails, my art, ect.

I haven't actually started putting it together but I've been saving my favorite quotes and emails I come across and planning how I want to organize it.

68. sort through laptop and clean out bookmarked websites
Started yesterday, but this will be an ongoing process because I will come across a website and save it to look at the next day, but then forget it until 3 monthes later.

81. buy a real corset
Just bought a (hopefully) good one from someone in Hong Kong. It's an steal overbust that's black and has lace on the edges. When it gets here I will cross it off my list!

So I'm doing pretty good it seems. I wish everyone else out there luck with thier lists! Hugs!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Starting day for me: Jan. 1,2008

Finishing day: Sept. 28,2010

I've already crossed out 1 thing from my list,#83. buy something from www.etsy.com I bought 2 pins on new years day.

Right now I'm working on 81.buy a real corset (I think I found one on eBay), 22.send 50 people cards/postcards. I've bookmarked some addresses from www.postcardx.com and www.sendsomething.net that I will try to get some cards out to after I get reorganized at college.

The world is quiet here. Au revior ma amis.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

1st post

Hello all. I thought I should introduce myself a bit. I'm Mandy or in the unlikely option that you've seen me elsewhere on the web I'm usually still Tonks07 after one of my favorite characters in Harry Potter (though I didn't like her as much in book 7) and the year I graduated. I'm now going to college in Savannah,Ga at Armstrong Atlantic State University as a Theatre major. Techie, I'm no actor. Some more links if you want to see some more about me


